Sunday, November 6, 2016

Shared Thoughts 2 Badulla

                                                RESC Badulla

Using Digital Media for Innovative Teaching of English in the Present Sri Lankan Classroom Context

                                English Language teaching and learning process is no longer only the traditional ‘Chalk & Talk’ method of teaching. With the availability of new technology and high tech-devices, it is needed to empower teachers of English in using the available high-tech resources. That will help the country in the long run as the future generation, without any doubt, will have to be equipped with modern technology, irrespective of the field which the students will choose to explore. However, in the present teaching-learning process it is not very common to see the teachers use the digital devices in day-to-day teaching. We are in the opinion that as teacher trainers we must promote the use of digital media among the teachers as it brings a novel experience while being a motivational factor for students in the classroom situation. So the activities lined up in this workshop will focus the simple ways of using activities along with digital devices. Most of the activities have been adapted to suit our context and a number of online resources will be introduced to the participants. Furthermore, this is a continuation of the session we conducted at the RESC Conference- 2015

  1. Align the stars



2.      Countdown clock



3.      English Survivor

4.      Horse Race


5.      Soaring Skyward


6.      Creating professional presentations

Participants can log on to the websites given below and come to know about using different templates in preparing PowerPoint presentations and interesting activities freely available on the internet.


Shared Thoughts 1 Anuradhapura

RESC Anuradhapura
Aims of the workshop
·         To raise awareness of the teachers on how to conduct a Reading Camp.
·         To introduce different types of reading activities that can be practiced at a Reading Camp.
Stage Aim
Warm up activity
ü  Any

ü  To discuss the importance of reading as a language skill and teacher’s role as an enhancing factor.
ü  Participants discuss in groups and prepare a list to be present in the whole class discussion.

Trainer- Groups

ü  To discuss the stages of a reading lesson and what purpose each stage serves.
ü  Trainer leads a discussion highlighting the following facts.
Pre reading – stimulates students’ curiosity.
While reading – increases students’ awareness and encourages them to look more closely at the book before its completion.
Post reading – reflection of what has been read and expand their perception.

Trainer- Whole class

ü  To introduce different types of reading activities.
Pre reading.
1.      Cover Story
ü  Students are given a set of questions based on the cover page of a story book.
ü  Students are given the opportunity to interpret and uncover the story.

2.      Chapter titles
ü  Chapter titles of the story book are jumbled and get the students order them as they guess.
ü  Trainer leads a discussion

While reading.
3.      Character poster
ü   Ask the students to prepare a character poster on the characters of the story book, displaying the appearance, qualities and characteristics of the given character.

4.      Correct yourself
ü  The story of the book is given in sentences.
ü  In each sentence there is an error of information when compared to the original story.
ü  The students are expected to correct the error.

·         Wilf and dad made a barbecue.
·         The mums lit the fire.
·         The children were tired.
·         It began snowing.
·         The dads cooked ham.
·         The bacon burned.
·         “Oh, No!” the children got wet.

Post reading
5.      Patchwork
ü  The summary of the story is given in sentence strips.
ü  Each sentence strip is cut into two.(as a patchwork)
ü  All the pieces are mixed up.
ü  Ask the students to match the two parts of each sentence strip.
ü  Then ask the students to arrange the   sentence strips in order to get the story sequence
ü  If the students get the story in the correct order they can see a patchwork design on the strips they have arranged.

6.      Story sequence
ü  The events of the story are written in jumbled order.
ü  The students read the story and arrange the sentences in the correct order.
                                 Goldlilocks and Three Bears
What did Goldilocks do one morning .Read the story and order the events.
                 Event order         
She walked into the house

She sat in the tiny little chair

Goldlilocks peeped into the house

She ate the porridge in the tiny little bowl

She saw the little house of the three bears

Goldlilocks went for a walk in the wood

She lay down on the tiny little bed

7.      Wanted
ü  Some characters are taken from the stories the students have read.
ü  The students are told that these characters are lost since yesterday and they want to find them out.
ü  They are asked to prepare a “Wanted” notice for the character lost
ü  They can insert a picture if they wish.

8.      Balloon Debate
ü  A story is read.
ü  The characters of the story are going in a hot air balloon.
ü  Suddenly there is a leak on the balloon.
ü  In groups the students argue and decide the character to be left out from the balloon.
ü  At the end a class debate among the groups is conducted.

Story books