Sunday, November 6, 2016

Shared Thoughts 2 Badulla

                                                RESC Badulla

Using Digital Media for Innovative Teaching of English in the Present Sri Lankan Classroom Context

                                English Language teaching and learning process is no longer only the traditional ‘Chalk & Talk’ method of teaching. With the availability of new technology and high tech-devices, it is needed to empower teachers of English in using the available high-tech resources. That will help the country in the long run as the future generation, without any doubt, will have to be equipped with modern technology, irrespective of the field which the students will choose to explore. However, in the present teaching-learning process it is not very common to see the teachers use the digital devices in day-to-day teaching. We are in the opinion that as teacher trainers we must promote the use of digital media among the teachers as it brings a novel experience while being a motivational factor for students in the classroom situation. So the activities lined up in this workshop will focus the simple ways of using activities along with digital devices. Most of the activities have been adapted to suit our context and a number of online resources will be introduced to the participants. Furthermore, this is a continuation of the session we conducted at the RESC Conference- 2015

  1. Align the stars



2.      Countdown clock



3.      English Survivor

4.      Horse Race


5.      Soaring Skyward


6.      Creating professional presentations

Participants can log on to the websites given below and come to know about using different templates in preparing PowerPoint presentations and interesting activities freely available on the internet.


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