Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Data base

Preparation of a RESC data base is in progress at the National RESC conference

Admin procedures

Mr. P.A.S.P. Jayalath, ADE (English) from the Ministry of Education is conducting a session on the topic 'Administrative Procedure for the year 2012'. He is briefing the Delegates on the admin requirements to be fulfilled by the RESC members.

E- Learning

The first academic session of the 2nd day of the 13th National RESC conference started a short while ago. Dr.Gayathri Jayatilaka, senior lecturer from the Center for Education Technology and Media is delivering a lecture on E-Learning to shape the future language learning classroom.

Dr.Jayatilaka's presentation focuses mainly on how teachers of English can use technology to foster better language acquisition. The interactive nature of her presentation gives the delegates opportunities to engage in a lively discussion on the topic.

13 th National RESC conference

Professor W.M.Aberathna Bandara, the Director General of the National Institute of Education graced the inaugural session of the 13th national RESC conference this morning at the Education Leadership and Management Center (Meepe Campus) of the NIE.

Dr. Lesley Dick, the senior training consultant of the British Council, Colombo, Mr.Gemunu Iddamalgoda; ADG (Administration and Finance, NIE) and Mr. I.K.B. Ilangasinghe; ADG (Mepe Campus NIE) were among the prestigious guests who graced the inauguration of this grand event. Dr. Lesley Dick delivered the keynote address.

Reflections and insights in shaping the future classroom is the theme of the National RESC conference this year.

Dr. Wilfred Perera (former DDG, NIE), Mrs. Kamala Goonawardhana (former Director English, MOE), and Mr. A.K. Justin (former coordinator of RESC, Matara) were felicitated this year for their lifelong contribution to the improvement of ELT in Sri Lanka.

Dr. Rnajan Hettiarachchi (Head Department of Mass Media, Sripali Campus of the University of Colombo) Delivered a special lecture on Second Language Acquisition on the first day afternoon.

13th National RESC Conference

The 13th annual RESC conference is on at this moment at the Meepe Campus (Education Leadership and  Management Center) of the National Institute of Education Sri Lanka. Delegations 30 RESCs are attending the conference and they are at a group discussion planning the future direction of RESCs.