Wednesday, December 7, 2011

13 th National RESC conference

Professor W.M.Aberathna Bandara, the Director General of the National Institute of Education graced the inaugural session of the 13th national RESC conference this morning at the Education Leadership and Management Center (Meepe Campus) of the NIE.

Dr. Lesley Dick, the senior training consultant of the British Council, Colombo, Mr.Gemunu Iddamalgoda; ADG (Administration and Finance, NIE) and Mr. I.K.B. Ilangasinghe; ADG (Mepe Campus NIE) were among the prestigious guests who graced the inauguration of this grand event. Dr. Lesley Dick delivered the keynote address.

Reflections and insights in shaping the future classroom is the theme of the National RESC conference this year.

Dr. Wilfred Perera (former DDG, NIE), Mrs. Kamala Goonawardhana (former Director English, MOE), and Mr. A.K. Justin (former coordinator of RESC, Matara) were felicitated this year for their lifelong contribution to the improvement of ELT in Sri Lanka.

Dr. Rnajan Hettiarachchi (Head Department of Mass Media, Sripali Campus of the University of Colombo) Delivered a special lecture on Second Language Acquisition on the first day afternoon.

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